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Category: Itineraries

Spain, June 2022 Itinerary

Spain, June 2022 Itinerary

We took a weeklong trip to Spain from June 10-18 with our two youngest kids, aged 10 and 12.  This was their first time in Europe, so I was really motivated to show them some cool stuff.  Madrid was the easy jumping off point, due to so many flights going there directly from O’Hare Airport, so that’s where we began our adventure.  I had been to Madrid once before, so a lot of what we did I had already done…

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Guatemala, February, 2022

Guatemala, February, 2022

HOT TAKE My husband and I typically go on a trip to someplace warm in February.  February is the coldest, snowiest month of the year in Chicago, and so it’s a great time to get away.  It also happens to be our anniversary month!  This year, our anniversary trip took us to Guatemala, our fifth time in Central America, where we spent two nights in Antigua and five nights at Lake Atitlan.  We absolutely love visiting Central American countries because…

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Walt Disney World, January 2022

Walt Disney World, January 2022

HOT TAKE Let’s get this out of the way:  I friggin’ love Walt Disney World!  We used to come here as kids almost every year when my Dad was in Orlando for a work convention and so my childhood memories are full of the Mouse.  In fact, Minnie Mouse was my imaginary friend when I was a child.  Like many families, as we got older, we stopped going to Disney after a while.  After about 20 years, my brother and…

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