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Category: Miscellaneous

Toledo Museum of Art – The Brilliance of Caravaggio

Toledo Museum of Art – The Brilliance of Caravaggio

Our visit to the Toledo Museum of Art this March, 2024, for the primary purpose of checking out their Caravaggio exhibit, deserves and article unto itself. Please check out my primary Caravaggio page on this site for more info and background into our low key obsession of traveling to and viewing all of the Caravaggio paintings in the world! We were thrilled when we found out that four out of the eight Caravaggio paintings in the USA would be glammed…

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On Tap for 2024

On Tap for 2024

Boy, 2023 was the year of revisiting places I had been before. This year was my second time to Costa Rica, third time to Bali, somewhere around the tenth time to Walt Disney World, and gagillionth time to Las Vegas and San Diego. Our little jaunt to Kansas City in November was the only new city that I added to my list this year. Yes, we were in Singapore for an overnight, but I barely count that apart from our…

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Top Things To Do In Las Vegas With Kids, Part 2

Top Things To Do In Las Vegas With Kids, Part 2

The first time we brought our youngest two to Las Vegas, they were 8 and 9 years old – old enough to appreciate the epic pools and massive hotels around The Strip. They loved the wave pool at the Mandalay Bay resort, and we spent a LOT of time there. Check out my itinerary with the kiddos from back in 2019 here. In that article, I list a whole bunch of other stuff you can do with kids, but it’s…

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The Longest Flight on Earth, Singapore Airlines JFK -> SIN May 22, 2023

The Longest Flight on Earth, Singapore Airlines JFK -> SIN May 22, 2023

So, I’m not usually one to report on actual flights and airlines, but I figured since I booked, and flew, the longest flight on our planet a few weeks ago, you all might want to know how it went! The longest flight on earth is on Singapore Airlines from New York’s JFK Airport direct to Singapore (or vice versa) at 9573 miles. This flight clocks in at a whopping 19.5 hours, and you better believe I booked business class seats…

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Getting Married at Walt Disney World (February 23, 2016)

Getting Married at Walt Disney World (February 23, 2016)

Let me tell you, I never thought I would be a Disney Bride, I never really even considered it my whole entire Disney-loving life; but when the circumstances for Brian’s and my wedding changed drastically (involving lots of drama including the event planner stealing a bunch of money from our original reception restaurant venue and then taking off into the sunset), I was back at square one after a few months of planning and deposits. We had already booked a…

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Oceanside, California Murals, April, 2023

Oceanside, California Murals, April, 2023

Some of my extended family moved to Oceanside, California, just about an hour north of San Diego and an hour south of Orange County, about 25 years ago. My folks followed about 10 years ago, so I have been hanging out in this area of California for a long time. On my most recent trip, I was looking for something to do that I’ve never done before in O’side, and stumbled across the fact that Oceanside is one of 14…

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Top Five Most Popular Articles 2022

Top Five Most Popular Articles 2022

Here I will countdown the most-read articles for the year of 2022. Since I only started the blog in May, it’s no surprise that some of my older articles are in the top five – however there are a few surprises in here too! 5. Bavette’s Steakhouse, published May 20, 2022 This restaurant review rounds out the fifth spot on the list, and that’s not super shocking to me. Bavette’s was so close to being one of the top five…

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On Deck for ChiLuxe Travel in 2023!

On Deck for ChiLuxe Travel in 2023!

2022 was a year of travels to all sorts of cities around the world for ChiLuxe Travel. We took three trips to Europe, making up for lost time during the pandemic. There was a lot of time spent at restaurants in Chicago, as well as a few domestic trips including Orlando and Las Vegas (the two places in the USA where it’s easiest to forget about my day job!). 2023 will be quite a different year with a focus on…

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Top Five articles for 2022

Top Five articles for 2022

So 2022 will always be the year that I started this blog, and I have really loved every minute of it. I love writing about my current trips, and I especially love writing about my past trips, which I call my “nostalgia” posts. Since I have a full time job, I unfortunately can’t be traveling all the time, so I like to fill in the gaps between travel with my nostalgia posts. I also really love finding photos and videos…

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