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Category: Top Five

Top Five Chicago Restaurants

Top Five Chicago Restaurants

Well, Restaurant Week Chicago is here, starting tomorrow, and we will be checking out a few places next week and I’ll be posting updates right here on ChiLuxe Travel! But for now, a lot of folks ask me where the best places to eat in Chicago are, or where to go if you are here only for a night or two. This list is mainly geared more towards tourists in order to get the best taste of what Chicago has…

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Top Five Activities for 2023

Top Five Activities for 2023

Much like with my Top Five Restaurants for this year, choosing just five activities was pretty darn difficult. We did so much cool stuff, especially in Bali and Costa Rica, that it was tough to narrow down which ones were the absolute best. I was pushed outside of my comfort zone on the hanging bridges in Costa Rica, and had one of the best spa experiences of my life in Bali, but they didn’t even make the cut! Read on…

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Top Five Restaurants for 2023

Top Five Restaurants for 2023

It was incredibly difficult for me to choose only five restaurant experiences for my list this year. We ate at so many great restaurants, but we also had delicious and bespoke experiences at several resorts this year too. We ate really well on all of our trips, with rarely an exception. I have to make an honorable mention here for the restaurants and bars at Nayara Resorts in Costa Rica. While they didn’t make the Top 5, it was a…

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Top Five Hotels for 2023

Top Five Hotels for 2023

We stayed at some very very large resorts this year, as well as one micro-boutique hotel. I really want to make a massive shift for this blog to cover and review boutique hotels. I love the charm and character of boutique hotels, and the service is almost always impeccable. Especially in Europe, the folks at a boutique hotel really make you feel like you’re family coming home, and they are always excited to show off their city and give you…

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Top Five Cities for 2023

Top Five Cities for 2023

Wow, we didn’t go to Europe AT ALL this year! Where on Earth did we go? We had one major trip outside of the states to Asia, and then mainly spent a lot of time here in the United States, jetting around to some big and some small cities. My top two cities of the year might surprise you! They definitely surprised me! 5. Singapore We were only in Singapore for an overnight layover, but no city has captured my…

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Nayara Resorts Restaurants, Ranked! Costa Rica, 2023

Nayara Resorts Restaurants, Ranked! Costa Rica, 2023

We ate dinner at almost all of the restaurants on offer at the sweeping Nayara Resort in Costa Rica and I can say that they were all good. We only skipped Las Terrazas (though for breakfast, it was the best complimentary buffet breakfast of most resorts and hotels I’ve been to worldwide) and Mis Amores (but we did have their lunch menu by the pool several times and absolutely no complaints there!). There were a few stand-outs, though, and so…

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Top Five Caravaggios for 2022

Top Five Caravaggios for 2022

I was so excited to be able to put this last, very special, Top Five list together for this year! Unfortunately, I don’t think I’m going to be able to have this particular countdown every single year, because 2023 is going to have a very very low number of Caravaggios for us, if any at all, due to the lack of Euro travel, and no domestic travel planned (yet) for this purpose. Hopefully we can squeeze in a trip to…

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Top Five Activities for 2022

Top Five Activities for 2022

Boy, looking at my “Activities” menu, we sure did a lot of cool stuff this year. From Guatemala to Europe and all sorts of places in between, we made a lot of memories. This list was absolutely the most difficult to narrow down to just five. We met cool people, saw amazing architecture, experienced beautiful landscapes, and did a few food tours. How do you pick just five? Well, it had to be done, and below are ChiLuxe Travel’s Top…

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Top Five Most Popular Articles 2022

Top Five Most Popular Articles 2022

Here I will countdown the most-read articles for the year of 2022. Since I only started the blog in May, it’s no surprise that some of my older articles are in the top five – however there are a few surprises in here too! 5. Bavette’s Steakhouse, published May 20, 2022 This restaurant review rounds out the fifth spot on the list, and that’s not super shocking to me. Bavette’s was so close to being one of the top five…

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Top Five Hotels for 2022

Top Five Hotels for 2022

5. Pensativo House Hotel, Antigua, Guatemala Pensativo House Hotel was a great little find in one of my favorite cities for the year 2022 – Antigua, Guatemala (check out my Top Five cities list here!). We came to this city and this hotel before I started this blog, in February of 2022, so there’s no formal review of it on this site, but Pensativo House deserves the Number Five spot on this list for a couple reasons. First, it was…

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