Martinez Restaurant, Barcelona, Spain – June 15, 2022

Martinez Restaurant, Barcelona, Spain – June 15, 2022

One of our stand out dinners in Barcelona, Spain was at Martinez Restaurant.  I chose this place because of the high recommendations from several sources regarding their paella.  It also would be the only time we could get to the high hill on the southern end of town, Montjuic.  We took a cab here as it was much too far to walk, and we were dropped off right next to the restaurant.  We were a bit early, so we took…

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ROOH Restaurant, Chicago, July 30, 2022

ROOH Restaurant, Chicago, July 30, 2022

My two local cousins and I all have birthdays in July and August, so every year, we usually book a nice summer outing to celebrate each other and enjoy a nice evening out. This year, we chose to check out a relatively new restaurant in the West Loop neighborhood called ROOH which calls itself, “Progressive Indian Cuisine in a Vibrant Atmosphere;” and vibrant, it is! Every corner of this place is seriously insta-worthy and I took a TON of photos!…

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La Cabana Argentina, Madrid, June 2022

La Cabana Argentina, Madrid, June 2022

As we were walking around Madrid, we noticed that there were quite a few Argentinian steakhouse restaurants in the area near where we were staying in the literary quarter.  We figured this would be a nice change of pace from all of the tapas we were eating, and who could resist the aroma of juicy steaks emanating from these restaurants?  As we walked by several of these places, their grills were right in the window, inviting us to come and…

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Spain, June 2022 Itinerary

Spain, June 2022 Itinerary

We took a weeklong trip to Spain from June 10-18 with our two youngest kids, aged 10 and 12.  This was their first time in Europe, so I was really motivated to show them some cool stuff.  Madrid was the easy jumping off point, due to so many flights going there directly from O’Hare Airport, so that’s where we began our adventure.  I had been to Madrid once before, so a lot of what we did I had already done…

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Roister, Chicago July 17, 2022

Roister, Chicago July 17, 2022

Oh, Roister, you have never disappointed me! This was my third visit to Roister restaurant in Chicago and I went with my brother to celebrate his 40th birthday! Roister’s Chef is Grant Achatz, of Alinea fame. The Chef was actually on hand on this evening working in the kitchen. I like to think he made a special appearance for my brother on his birthday. It was interesting that he was at Roister, and not his three-Michelin-starred Alinea, however from glancing…

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Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain, June 2022

Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain, June 2022

After visiting La Sagrada Familia and having lunch, we took a taxi up to Parc Guell.  The park is a relatively compact 12 hectares, as it is not super wide, but instead just goes higher and higher up the hill.  It is a beautiful area, and was actually not mega crowded when we went around 3pm.  I also booked tickets in advance for this experience to avoid waiting in lines.  You can do so on their website, and you can…

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Montserrat, Spain- June, 2022

Montserrat, Spain- June, 2022

We were originally planning to have a free day to simply walk around and get lost in Barcelona on our most recent trip, however instead I decided to book a tour up to Montserrat to see the Basilica, the cool views, the weird mountain, and check out a winery.  I booked through Castle Experience Tours.  There are about a billion tour companies offering different tours from Barcelona to Montserrat, however I chose this one due to the winery stop for…

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Art Walk Madrid, Spain, June 2022

Art Walk Madrid, Spain, June 2022

One of the highlights of sightseeing in Madrid is its excellent art museums. We purchased the “art walk” ticket (in advance, of course), which would allow you to gain access to the Prado, the Thyssen-Bornemisza and the Reina Sofia museums in one day for a pretty decent discount.  Purchasing regular priced tickets for all three museums would cost a total of 40 Euros.  The Art Walk ticket costs 32 Euros, and you can purchase it off of any of the…

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La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain – June 2022

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain – June 2022

Anyone who does even the most remote amount of research before visiting Barcelona, Spain, knows that the city swims in Gaudi architecture.  The crown jewel is La Sagrada Familia Basilica (The Sacred Family).  Like any other massive tourist attraction, I highly recommend booking tickets in advance, and you can do so without worry of scams or upcharges through the Sagrada Familia website.  There, you can choose whether you just want base level tickets, a tour, tickets to go up into…

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Hotel Neri, Barcelona, Spain – June, 2022

Hotel Neri, Barcelona, Spain – June, 2022

After a few days in Madrid, we took the high speed train to Barcelona.  We were able to catch a cab outside of the Barcelona train station to the Gothic Quarter, where Hotel Neri is located.  The cabs are typically not allowed in the pedestrian-only streets in the Gothic Quarter, so we rolled our bags for about a 5 minute walk into the center of the quarter to get to Hotel Neri.  It was HOT, but when we arrived, the…

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